Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pioneer Day!

Ever since I was born, we would drive the 8 hours to good 'ol Beaver, UT (where my mom grew up) and spend pretty much the whole summer up there. The best part was the 24th of July! Brandon and I decided to make the 6 hour drive this year so we could be with some of my fam.

The day started off bright and early when my brother Trevor and I ran in the 5K. This one was MUCH easier for me than the one in Lewiston. (Maybe cuz it was almost all downhill ;) I beat my time by almost 3 minutes with 30:02. I was so mad at myself that I didn't push just a little bit harder to be under 30 minutes! Trev got 26: something.
Here we are with John Beck, old BYU quarterback, now playing for the Baltimore Ravens. His grandma lives across the street from my grandma's house.

Some of the crew at the parade!

2nd cousin McCoy riding a horse

Single's Ward float reads: "We can't even commit 2 ride our float!"


Jo Jo!! I really missed my lil bro, who is now taller than me, I might add.

Chels and I with our only Beaver friend. The famous Lindsey Black! (Her dad owns the Chevron/Dairy Queen)
After the parade and traditional Kan Kun for lunch, my dad took us out to the reservoirBeautiful 2nd cousins, Baylee and Britain (sp?)

Cute 2nd cousin Braden and nephew Brady who said "we have to ride together cuz we're both 6 and the same size."

Brandon, Jordan, Britain and cousin Alan

Brandon and Trevor had a crazy battle. Brandon lost cuz his pants were around his ankles ;)
Then my cousin Chis and Nancy had everyone over for a BBQ and some great fireworks! Sorry no pics :)
So grateful for the Pioneers!


Julie and Kyle said...

nice pictures! if i wasnt sitting on a beach at the time, i would be really jealous. thanks for the fun games last night. so fun, i missed church. oops.