I could not have drawn up a better father for Grant. I am amazed everyday.
I was in labor for over 8 hours and had to push for almost 3. Brandon was by my side every second, encouraging me. He was SO excited when Grant finally arrived.
Grant had to be rushed to the NICU and Brandon stayed by his side.
Brandon went through a lot the next few days. Having your wife rushed to emergency surgery, then in the ICU, while your baby is in the NICU probably wasn't a walk in the park.
He took such good care of Grant while Mommy was sick. I will never be able to fully express my gratitude for him being there while I couldn't. I think I changed 1 diaper the whole week we were in the hospital (and no, it wasn't the nurses, it was Brandon!)
I am so grateful to be married to such a loving, sweet, hard working, gentle man. And for the example that he is to Grant of what a REAL man is.
Love you, babe! Happy First Father's Day!