MERRY CHRISTMAS! We'll be up in Idaho this year and can't wait for finals to be over and to spend time with family and good food! :)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
So, these aren't the best of pictures..but here ya go!
As well as these HO HO HO blocks, the wooden sculpture was a gift from Brandon's parent's from Israel, and the Santa was just one part of our wonderful gift from Brandon's sister Katie
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sorry, I know I promised to update the blog more. Here's what's been going on lately: I've only been really sick for about ohhhh a MONTH! Yeah, ridiculous. It's even gotten worse the past two days. I went to the doctor last week and took all of my antibiotics, but still no dice. So, after having to miss too much school already, and not sure how much more I would have to miss, we've decided to have me start my leave of absence today (this means that I wont have to pay for these hours that I am missing). I think I just need a break for a little while to actually get better so I wont be sick over Christmas. Thanks to NyQuil and a humidifier that Brandon's mom so graciously got for us, I was able to sleep pretty well for the first time last night. Brandon's shoulder is slowly healing and he went to physical therapy last week. Unfortunately, he is starting to get a bit of a cold himself. After getting "layed off" and then the next day "re-hired" with a bit of a pay cut (dumb economy!!), he is still workin at the furniture store with his good friend Mikey. Finals are coming up, so obviously it's a pretty stressful time for him. We were able to go to Logan on Friday for his Uncle Steve's wedding and then to Pocatello the next day for Grandma Roberts' 80th birthday party. It's always great to get to see family again..(sorry again, Tiff, for not being able to go to Dallin's baptism!) So, as you can see, we are definitely ready for Christmas break! We will be in Idaho for all of it this year, and will try to see as much family on both sides as we can! I am workin on getting some pics of our cute little Christmas tree on here, so stay tuned! Love to all.
P.S. I almost forgot the best news of all!!! My wedding photographer, Heather Ives, sent me a wonderful email the other day informing me that they FOUND our missing pictures!!! Her husband was finally able to recover them from their crashed computer. Talk about an answer to our prayers. You can read below about what happened, but the pics that we had been missing were from the reception; including Andersen family ones, cutting the cake, dancing...all that good stuff. I'm so excited to see them and will post a few once they get here :)
P.S.S. The Suns beat the Jazz on Saturday :D
P.S. I almost forgot the best news of all!!! My wedding photographer, Heather Ives, sent me a wonderful email the other day informing me that they FOUND our missing pictures!!! Her husband was finally able to recover them from their crashed computer. Talk about an answer to our prayers. You can read below about what happened, but the pics that we had been missing were from the reception; including Andersen family ones, cutting the cake, dancing...all that good stuff. I'm so excited to see them and will post a few once they get here :)
P.S.S. The Suns beat the Jazz on Saturday :D
It's Party Time
So, I had the brilliant idea of giving Brandon his first surprise birthday party this year...NEVER AGAIN! It was one of the most stressful things I've done! While we went to dinner at Tucanos (SO good, not recommended for vegetarians..) the Saturday before his birthday, Heather, Chelsea, and lots of other friends gathered at and decorated our apartment. Everything seemed to be going as planned until we pulled into the underground parking at home and parked RIGHT NEXT to Heather's car! She didn't get the memo about parking in a different lot, and my heart stopped. "It's all over.." I thought, as well as making up many lies in my head as to why she was there. But to my luck, he didn't even notice her car at all! Whew! Welp, we made our way up the stairs and when Brandon opened the door and turned on the light he thought someone had broken into our apartment. I had never seen such terror in a man. Even though I couldn't see his face (which I am told was priceless), the "ducking for cover" move was enough for me. So good. Once he realized it really was just all his good friends wanting to wish him a happy day, he loved it! When we finally calmed down from all the laughter, we had yummy cake and played games allll night. Including some intense rounds of Catch Phrase, a game we played a ton last year. It was great to be with all our old friends that we don't get to see very often anymore. Oh, and of course my camera was still dead so I only have these random pics...I really wish someone had a camera going for when he walked in! Good times.

Friday, November 21, 2008
So, I am finally posting some of my favorites of my bridals and our wedding pics so you guys will get off my back! :) Can you believe its almost been 4 months already?? Props to Heather Ives Photography. Get ready for a MAJOR picture overload...

Sad story: I don't really like to talk about it, but here it goes. I was really dumb and gave Heather the wrong address to our aparment when she sent our CD of pictures, so of course it didn't come to us, and it didn't ever get sent back to her! Welp, apparently Heather's computer crashed so we LOST a bunch of our reception pictures, including the ones of Brandon's family.. cutting the cake...dancing.... Yeah, not cool :(
Okay, yes we are alive. Sorry for not posting in ages, but I've lost my camera charger and we are just SO busy!! With school and work and having a rough couple of weeks. I've been sick off and on with the stomach flu and now some sort of sore throat (guess it's what I get for working and hovering over stranger's all day long). Brandon is so hard core with the intramural football that a few weeks ago he sprained his wrist REALLY bad, another downside to not having a workable camera because his whole hand looked like he had elephantitis! Then, on his birthday on Tuesday they had another game and he collided with another guy, causing him to hurt his shoulder REALLY bad! Baah I have a broken husband! He went to the Health Center and it's not broken or anything, and he says its getting a little better day by by day..uh where was I? We've also had a scare with Brandon's sister-in-law Gwen but are so grateful to hear that she is Melanoma free now! You can read more about it here. Now, we are keeping little Trey in our prayers (Brandon's 5-year-old nephew born with some very serious heart problems which are starting to act up again). We are definitely excited to get a break from all the chaos and go home to warm AZ for Thanksgiving!
Anyways, while I spend the next few posts catching you up on our lives (including an awesome surprise party!) enjoy this really cool Christmas song! I LOVE Christmas time and am starting it now, hence my cute new background :)
P.s. I'm pretty sure Faith Hill is one of the most beautiful beings on the earth.
P.p.s. GO COUGS!!
Anyways, while I spend the next few posts catching you up on our lives (including an awesome surprise party!) enjoy this really cool Christmas song! I LOVE Christmas time and am starting it now, hence my cute new background :)
P.s. I'm pretty sure Faith Hill is one of the most beautiful beings on the earth.
P.p.s. GO COUGS!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
We Was at a Cow Sell
We were really grateful to be able to go to Twin Falls last weekend so Brandon could sell one of his cows. Even though it's always a gamble owning cows, it's something great to have in your back pocket. Brandon's brother Greg actually ended up being the buyer of the cow, so I think Brandon wished they could have just sold it straight up without having to take out a percentage of the money for the sale. But like I said, gamble. Kinda funny how the economy works these days huh? The things you need to buy are way too expensive and the things you need to sell are going for too cheap! The sale wasn't quite as boring as I thought, and it helped to have some Andersen women to gossip with!
Stop laughing, Moyes family!
Mmmm, like a noble steed.
Woah settle down there Bessy! (OK so that's not the name but it fits right? And yes, that is Steve Gillins in the background)

We always love going to Brandon's parent's house. Good food, good times, and they always stock us up with meat and such before we go! :D
Sunday, September 28, 2008
So Adventurous!
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