Declo has some of the prettiest sunsets you will ever see. That's why Lindsay wants to live in Idaho so bad!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Dairy Producers Golf Tournament
Every year a couple of dairy companies put on a golf tournament for the local dairy farmers. The tournament is held at one of Idaho's most beautiful golf courses called Blue Lakes Country Club. It is located down in the Snake River Canyon right by Twin Falls. You have to be a member of the club to golf there, so we would never get a chance to golf there if it wasn't for this tournament. Any way it is a best ball tournament, and so you have a team of four and you take the best shot of the four of you every time. This year it was me, my brothers Greg and Ben, and also my dad who figured out he could actually golf last year at this same tournament. We did pretty well for four dairy farmers who rarely get a chance to golf. We shot a 3 over par which is pretty darn good. Also my dad won the longest putt award on the 18th hole. He putted it in from the fringe of the green and won a couple of camping chairs. Anyway we had a good time, and hope that my dad will let us off work early one of these days so we can go golfing together again. Hahaha.
Me overlooking the Snake River. Don't I look like a real golfer.
Hole six. It drops about 1,000 feet onto the hole (OK maybe not a 1,000, but it drops a whole lot of feet). It doesn't look so far in the picture but it's sweet!
About to tee off on hole six
Greg about to tee off on hole six
A par three that you have to shoot over this little stream
Ben and my Dad in their cart
A perfect shot i had on one of the holes
There was even a deer down on the course!
My Dad really whiffed that one! HAHA! Actually i took that picture on one of his practice swings.
Watching my Drive go toward the bridge to Twin Falls. Of course it landed right where i wanted it to; up in the sage brush.
Friday, June 27, 2008
He Sent Me Flowers :)
Not long after I got home from my surgery, my mom came into my room and told me that "my hunny" had sent me flowers...I was still very out of it but remember trying to say "awwww." Isn't he just so sweet!?
Naked, spaghetti face Skylar decided she needed some pics with the pretty flowers too. She loves Boo and whenever she sees his picture in my room she yells "Oh, Boo!!"
Sunday, June 22, 2008
6 Weeks of Sadness

Brandon is in Idaho. Lindsay is in Arizona. What is wrong with this picture? Oh yeah, 830 miles is what's wrong with this picture! Brandon needed to go home and work on the farm, and I needed to go home and work for my dad and plan our wedding, so we made the big part and let me tell you, it was and has been and will be darn right horrible!
Oh yeah, and I'm getting my wisdom teeth out this morning. EVERYONE FEEL SORRY FOR ME!! ;)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Lake Powell!
So my lovely Dad was nice enough to take time out of his busy schedule to take Brandon and I, along with my little brother Jordan, and my older sister Tiffani and her family to Lake Powell (my most favorite place in the whole wide world!) My dad had meetings Friday afternoon and had to be back in Scottsdale Sunday morning to sing at my best friend from high school, Tyler's farewell, so we were only able to go on Saturday, but it was totally worth it! It wasn't too hot and it was a lot of fun! Brandon and I were able to get the "feel" of wakeboarding again, and Brandon was able to try Jordan's "wakesurf", a mix between a surfboard and a wakeboard. It was quite the tiring day, and we have the sunburns and sore muscles to show for it!

Sick air, Brah!

Oh hey Dad!
Please look at my face in this one...
Typical Mark
The wakesurfer
Brady's first tube ride! He was terrified and it didn't help that the first thing we did was submarine and fell off!
Bathing beauties
Cliff jumping!
P.S. This was THE most frustrating post! Does anyone else just get so annoyed with Blogger sometimes!? I am never posting something with this many pictures again!!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Friday afternoon (after a sad farewell to my rental car, the Kia Rondo...tears were shed, emotions ran high..) anyways...we drove up to Salt Lake to meet with Brandon's uncle, Elder Neil Andersen, in the church office building. He is becoming the new President of the Seventy soon and has a meeting in SLC the morning of August 8th with some of the 12, but is STILL going to fly down that afternoon! We are so grateful and excited to have such an important man, not only in Brandon's life, but in the church seal us! It was so great to meet him. He took us around the building a little, including right out side each of the 1st Presidency's office door's and one of the conference rooms where they all meet. He also told us a story of a girl that threw up all over the alter right before he sealed them...I was so mortified that I wanted to throw up right there!!
After, Brandon was kind enough to let me go shopping at Gateway..even though he felt dumb following me around all the stores ;) What a guy!! Then after, we were able to go to the Lagoon Amusement park with our best friends Emily and Adam. (Adam is Brandon's roommate, and Emily used to be in our ward) They are our most favorite couple to hang out with, they are hilarious! IT WAS SO FUN! Adam and I had never been and we loved it! It was pretty crowded but we were still able to go on every ride we wanted, and then some. The highlight of the night though, was when Adam was FREAKING OUT on the Ferris Wheel! We had been on tons of death defying, super fast, flipping us upside down rollar coasters and decided to take a break on the Ferris Wheel. Well, it was one of those that you can spin yourself around as you go, and apparently it was too much for Adam to funny. I apologize for no "real pictures" but we didn't want to bring anything extra with us, like cameras, or cell phones (forcing us to ask some 12 year old boys if we could use their phone to call Emily's mom to come pick us up...oh memories of junior high).
This is "Wicked" we were all pretty nervous before this one, but it wasn't that bad
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Welcome, Amy!!
Congrats to Brandon's brother, Greg, and his wife Gwen on the newest addition to their already adorable family! This is grandchild #19 (#20 to be born just before our wedding!!)...come on Moyes family, we are slacking!! ;) 

Amy Elsie Andersen

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