We had Christmas Eve at John and Caroline's with a few members of Brandon's family.
Brandon's sister, Katie, made Grant this adorable frog hat and the vest he is wearing was Brandon's when he was a baby

Me and Care. I would be dead out here if it weren't for her!

The kids and their cute
Reindeer bum :)

Grant loves to "fly"

"Oh, hello there!"

Brandon's parent's, Joelle, and Grandma Roberts

Carter and Grant are best buds

Everyone eating
Hez's "Christmas in a cup" and watching "Joy to the World"
Grant loves watching
tv (oops!)

I may or may not have shed a few tears from not being with my family in Beaver this year...and waking up alone on Christmas morning (Brandon had to go out to the dairy :(
It was also the first year I've ever slept in my own bed!
Considering I already got a new car, Santa was very good me this year!

Brandon's loot:

Grant was so excited to see that Santa had came!
(let it be known, that only 2 of those gifts are from Brandon and I)

Later that afternoon we went to Brandon's parent's and played lots of games and saw "Tangled" then spent the night and went to church with them on Sunday.
Hope your Christmas was as grand as ours!
Okay, I'm with ya on missing family!! It was nice having Ashlynn (who's almost 6) crazy excited...but we were all alone without family out here!
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