Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Really though?

I just wanted it to be known that yesterday I received a package from one of my sister's. Who shall remain nameless. I wanted to take a picture of it, but Brandon threw it away before I could. The package was addressed to: Lindsey Andersen

You would think that after being my sister for 20 years, you would know how to spell my name ;)

I guess I still love you though.


Ashlee said...

That is really funny. To make you feel better Jason wrote me a letter on his mission and spelled my name wrong too.

Julie and Kyle said...

can you blame her? thats an easy mistake.

Tiffani said...

You know I could have just thrown that flip flop in the trash instead of spending the $1.63 to send it.... And I still don't believe it, so if you don't have the proof I'm still innocent.

Chelsea said...

This is awesome. I agree with Tiff though- if you don't have the proof it doesn't count!

brandon said...

I saw it to. So there is the proof the law of witnesses.

Jason said...

After all these years, Ashlee still hasn't forgiven me. Doesn't she know that I could barely spell my own name on my mission?